Saturday, October 27, 2012

One Direction, Chapter 2, Concert Day, Part 4

Chapter 2
Concert Day

I pick up my phone and read the caller ID, oh goody two-shoes me! It’s June! I pick the phone only to get my eardrums destroyed early.

“Thank you for shattering my eardrums, I’m guessing you’re excited for the concert?”
“Of course I am! Man this so exciting!! What are you going to wear?”
“Well I’m probably going to dress in my warm jeans and where my snow boots, with a jacket.”
“What! You can’t! You have to dress nicely; you are going to meet One Direction!! Wear a dress!”
“It’s December, we are in Chicago. I will freeze to death! I am not wearing a dress. But if you want me to look nice I will put on my fancy sweater and scarf, you should too.”
“Ok, I will. EEEEEEEEE!! I’m so excited!”

I hung up the phone laughing. I opened my closet and put on a purple short sleeve shirt, then a small jacket, then a thicker jacket, then my scarf I made in knitting class two years ago. I heated some hot chocolate and watched the news until June got here. About a half-hour later a car pulled up, that’s June! “Grandma, I’m going to the concert.” I said Grandma leaned over the rail waving.”Have fun and be safe!” she said. Isn’t she the best? I left the house and got in the car. June had her cute hat with the big puff on the top and the flaps that covered her ears. She was smiling; it kind of looked forced and scared at the same time. “You ok?” I ask “Mhm teesh arsh shuch!” she said while smiling. Huh? “Her teeth are stuck” June’s mother translated “Don’t worry it’ll go back in a couple of minutes”  
At the Concert
June’s mom pulled up in front of the building holding the concert, what’s it called? Marian Arena? Julian Arena? I look at the sign, oh that’s right ‘Dave Jones Arena’ the man who founded this town. Even though were an hour early it was already busy with One Direction fans fighting over who’s going to marry who. Which is fine, I like a little drama in life. I look at June, her face is pale. Uh oh; too many fans in one place, too many people to fight over her precious Zayn.

I push June through the crowd of insane girls and find an empty park bench. June is still pale, I snap in between her eyes and she jumps into reality. The color in here cheeks are back again. “Thanks.” She says, kind of embarrassed. I look through my bag, and try to find my gloves. After a couple of minutes shoveling through the junk I throw in it I pull out my leather gloves. Every time I put them on I’m reminded of the day I bought them. At Wal-Mart on the clearance racks. I still remember fighting them over with a soccer mom, then I pretended that her daughter ran to the candy isle. She was so gullible! I continue thinking how I tricked that woman at Wal-Mart when I realized I’m being poked by June in the face.
“Yes?” I asked, very annoyed. “Time to go inside.” June points at the open door and security guards looking mean and tough. I love it when my mind drifts off. We get up and turn our tickets in; the guy at the ticket booth gave us two passes, backstage passes. June jumps up and down like every fan girl in the place. I look calmly at the pass etching every detail in my brain. “My seat number is…” I look at the card “145?”

We walk down isles after isles until we get to the 140s; I sit down in my seat and June sits next to me. She bounces up and down like she’s 5 years old. I don’t blame her; this is exciting, One Direction concert with backstage passes! Every One Directioner’s dream. 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

One Direction, Chapter 1, Day of Surprises part 3

At Home
The door is unlocked, is grandma home? She shouldn’t be back until 5:00, its 4:30. I twist the handle, wondering who could be inside. When I walk in there are no lights on, but all the windows are open. Grandma never opens the windows except at night. “Grandma!” I yell, I hear no reply except some shuffling upstairs. I walk up slowly, trying not to make a sound. The noise is coming from the panic room. Oh no! We don’t really use it as a panic room, but a place to store jewelry and other valuables. Is someone trying to rob us? Calm down Elliot, you’re a senior; you take self defense classes, you get all A’s, you were taught not to freak out if some one is trying to rob you, your fine. I pull out my pepper spray and make sure I can reach my phone if I need to. I walk in the panic room and see my grandma rummaging through some old photos of me and my dad. There is a tissue in her hand and her eyes are puffy. “Oh grandma!” I say.
We look through the photos and laugh at some of them, but also cry too. In less than 30 minutes we finished two boxes of tissues. By then we looked through every photo and are looking at the beautiful jewelry that mom used to wear. “Grandma?” I ask “June asked me if I could go to a concert with her. Can I go?” I ask. She looks up at me and smiles. “Of course you can go! When is it?”  I can’t believe I forgot to ask her! I tell grandma I’ll be right back and call June.

“Hey June, when’s the concert? “
“So you decided to go!?”
“Yes, when’s the concert?”
“YAY! I’m so excited! Let me go tell my mom!”
“Wait! June! When’s the concert!”

The dialing tone noise comes up. Great! Just Great! I try calling her phone again but she doesn’t pick up. What am I going to do now?! Then I realized, I have her home phone number! Yes! I call her home and June’s mom picks up.

“Hello, the Miney residents.”
“Mrs. Miney? This is Elliot, June’s friend one of your neighbors?”
“Hello Elliot! How’s your grandmother?”
“My grandmother? She’s fine, look I need to know when the concert is.”
“I think it’s on December the 5. Hey! Isn’t that your birthday?”
“No my birthday is December the 3, but thanks anyway!”
“Have a good day Elliot!”
What a wonderful birthday present, going to a concert with a thousand girls screaming at boys. Whoopty Doo! I think sarcastically.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

One Direction, Chapter 1, Day of Surprises part two

Minutes Later

“Are you done yelling?” I ask.
“Yes…” she gasps “I am.”
We continue to walk, she talks about ‘1D’ and I nod not really paying attention. We get to her house and she apologizes about yelling at me like she always does after she yells at someone. Right before she goes into the house she asks me something I didn’t see coming. “Hey Elliot, my mom got me tickets and backstage passes to the 1D concert this year. You want to come?”

I stand there, wondering. If I say yes and if people find out, people will think of me as a ‘One Directioner’, if I say no then people will be mad at me for missing this amazing opportunity. UH! “Elliot?” Junes asks bringing me back. “Umm… I’m going to have to ask my grandma.”  I answer. I walk away leaving June in the dark.

Monday, October 1, 2012

One Direction, Chapter 1, Day of Surprises part one

Chapter 1

During School Year
October 5
Day of Surprises

“Have you heard the new One Direction song?!” June exclaimed. I nodded, listening to some violin music on my iPod. I turned up the music muffling June’s rant about the new boy band One Direction. For some reason Bach made his music to make time go by in a snap, which is weird, wouldn’t he want his music to make time seem like it’s in slow motion. I pondered the question, waking up into reality when June pulled me out of the way before a car went speeding by. “Whoa.” I said realizing what happened, I looked at June seeing worry all over her face. “Hey June I’m fine. Thanks for saving my life.” I said trying to reassure her. It didn’t work. “FINE?! YOU WERE ALMOST HIT BY A CAR AND YOU SAY YOU’RE FINE!?” she screamed. June went on yelling at me for almost five minutes about saving my life. I was used to it, she needs to burn some steam off, and I think she would be great in the debate club. June always wins an argument, no matter what. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Underwater Darkness

I walk to the dock, filming something off of my iPad. "Done!" I say to myself, I just need one more clip. I look off toward the lake water. Better be careful! I lift my shoe over the dock trying to lean out a little. Oops... I fall in, iPad still in hand. Its dark, but of course my eyes are closed. My clothes make me heavy as i try to get above water. I hold a tight grip on the iPad, nerves and adrenaline are helping. My face breaks the surface of the water, gasping for air. First thing I did is plop the wet device on the dry wood. My pants and shirt are heavy, and its hard pulling myself up. I push my self up and sit, trying to catch my breath. the tears come, crying because I was scared half to death and also because I got the iPad wet. I get up grab the electronic and run back to the house. My clothes and hair dripping, I'm crying nonstop trying to regain whatever control of myself. I walk into the house, leaving wet footprints everywhere.

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Sunday, September 9, 2012


I look at my bowl of soup, thye noodles float in differant directions. I take a small spoon full and sip. BLUH! It's HOT! I set the bowl on my bedside table, and stare at the fan. It's so boring when your sick! "Goodbye Honey! I have to go to work!" My mom calls. I hear the door shut and the car dring out on the road. Is she gone? I look out my window, no cars. YES!!!!!  I jump up and down on my bed, but my excitement ends when cold shivers hit me. I stop jumping and get under the covers. That soup isn't looking to hot right now. I grab the bowl and start sipping very slowly.
so I slept over at my friends house last night but she got sick... well I ran out of ideas so I wrote this. Sorry friend. The funnt thing is, the picture describes my sis, every morning.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


I scroll through my comments. None. Great, that's just great! It actually was great, no one reads my website, so no one can see how horrible of a website maker I am. But still, none, nada, zip, ZERO. No one who even read my site didn't even want to comment. Why is this bothering me so much! I shouldn't be bothered like this, it's just a stupid website about nothing basically. "Sandra! Time to go to work!" I'm gonna have to worry about this later. I closed my laptop and ran downstairs.

I got this idea since no one comments my blog, which is okay, its just kinda annoying. Anyway, hows school going for you people!? I'm so busy, it took me a while to come up with anything. 
have you heard! THE DOCTOR WHO SEASON PREMIER IS COMING TONIGHT!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay enough yelling, are you excited?!

P.S. that picture isn't real I got it off of google